CodeCraft Bring-A-Book!

Date Thursday 20th January 2022
Time 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Location   Zoom (with free ticket)

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It’s January! That means we’re doing our annual Bring-a-Book event!

We need you to bring along a book that you’ve enjoyed in the realm of software, work, or a related field. Share with everyone else why you enjoy it, what you got from it, why others might want to read it. With everyone else doing the same, you can set up your New Year reading list with some great starting points!

It doesn’t even have to be a book: it can be a blogpost, a podcast, a news article or anything else worth sharing. We recommend that the chosen texts are non-fiction as it keeps the conversations more grounded.

Our aim is to encourage everyone to share ideas that have inspired them, and hopefully help with narrowing down worthy reads to put on your 2022 reading list.

We’ll chat either as one group, or break into smaller groups, depending on how many people come along.

Happy reading!

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